Research & Development


The prototyping

for electrical components

Electricity is our world.

This is why we are specialists in metalworking for the creation of electromechanical components.
Our laboratory has always looked to the future, never to the past: innovation and the search for cutting-edge production techniques are the basis of all our processes.
Materials, components and processes: nothing escapes our studies.

In addition to this is the search for product customization experience.
It represents one of the fundamental aspects of our research activities, unique in the Italian panorama.
Providing a highly customizable product, suitable to meet the specific needs of each of our customers is an ongoing challenge… and we like challenges.

Prototyping of metal products: why to create samples?

Samples are highly useful in the design and development phase of products and components. Producing on a low scale, respecting the quality standards required in the production phase, allows you to test the product, identify problems and, subsequently, solve them. Thus, we get to produce a high quality e functional component, reducing costs and waste.

Research and study for metal powder processing: our goals

The sustainability of processing is our daily goal.
From the use of the sintering technique for processing metal powders, to the development of eco-friendly methods for refining metals, everything is designed to ensure respect for the environment and to save resources.

ricerca e sviluppo

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We are here to provide you with the best solution for your needs.